Labyrinth Hinterthiersee power place – between light and shade
Based on the principle of natural resonance?
The morning sun makes the meadows glisten a light green as dew sparkles on the blades of grass. Directly next to the meadow is a thick forest. In the cool semi-darkness, individual rays of sun fall on the black earth. This magical place between light and shade is home to a very special power place: A labyrinth invites you to find your inner centre.
An ancient symbol of power
The labyrinth in Hinterthiersee is a pattern made of stones, as is common around the world. “It is a man-made power place, which we very deliberately created in this special location where the light meadow changes to the shade of the forest,” explains mountain guide Harry Löffel who was involved in the creation of the labyrinth a few years ago. The labyrinth is located in the district of Breitenau on the Modal circuit.
Stone labyrinths go back to ancient times. Their shape originated independently in a number of cultures and was adopted early on as a symbol of Christianity. The labyrinth in Hinterthiersee is a copy of the ground labyrinth in the San Vitale church in Ravenna, Italy. “It is a contemplative path that only takes up a few square meters. You cover great distances, but never move far from the starting point,” says Harry Löffel as he explains the meaning of the labyrinth.
Walk on winding paths
In Christianity, the path through a labyrinth symbolises spiritual purification. As well as the Christian belief, another concept has emerged: A person roams through their life like a wanderer. Every day they advance a little, in a network of curves and unexpected crossings. Every step takes them closer to the goal and their inner centre. The path through the labyrinth is a symbol for the course of a human life.
“These days we think that everything should go in a straight line, but detours are part of life. And you never know in advance what their advantages are,” says Harry Löffel explaining the lessons of the labyrinth. The word labyrinth means a path without junctions, whose regular changes in direction inevitably lead to the goal – the centre of the labyrinth. “A labyrinth is not a maze with dead ends, it is a walk on winding paths,” clarifies the mountain guide.

Virtually experience the power place
A power place surrounded by the trees of the Modal forest in Thiersee. The location was consciously chosen and radiates a positive energy on the labyrinth. It invites you to embark on the search for your inner centre. Gain strength and enjoy picturesque nature.
Go to virtual realityThe path is the goal
Following the labyrinth in Hinterthiersee opens up all your channels and you move through it with all your senses. Your gaze wanders to the untouched nature surrounding you, and you look in all directions. Insects buzz through the air and the leaves rustle. You take deep breaths and smell the aroma of the forest. Energy assessments show that the geometric shape of the labyrinth creates a force field. The power of nature does the rest.
If you follow the labyrinth with others, you get to know its social component, explains Harry Löffel: “Everybody has their own pace – for walking, talking and living. Some people you come across often. Others only once. And with some of them you even walk together for a bit.” The path through the labyrinth symbolises the path through life, so you can be sure that no matter how confusing the path may be, it will always continue. As long as we put one foot in front of the other, we have the chance to arrive. In our centre. With ourselves.
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